
Budapest Reading Seminar on the Foundations of Physics

Reading seminar

The aim of the seminar is to bring together researchers and students with a background in physics, mathematics or philosophy of science and to create a platform to discuss some foundational questions of modern physics. For each session, we read a paper on some foundational issues and discuss it. The seminars last 90 minutes and will be held roughly in every second month.

Venue: Institute of Philosophy, Research Center for the Humanities, Budapest, 1097 Tóth Kálmán u. 4, Floor 8, Room 8.33
Upcoming session: December 9, 2024, Monday, 16.00
Paper: E. T. Jaynes: Gibbs vs Boltzmann Entropies link
Lecture notes on the maximum entropy principle: link
Short intro by Márton Kormos


June 7, 2024
Meaning, Truth, and Physics

October 17, 2024
Physics meets Philosophy


Bernád József Zsolt Boda Dezső
Bozsonyi Károly Cserti József
Dávid Gyula Diósi Lajos
Domokos Péter E. Szabó László
Egri Győző Etesi Gábor
Földes Szabolcs Frigyik Béla András
Geszti Tamás Gömöri Márton
Gurin Péter Gyenis Balázs
Hofer-Szabó Gábor Inotai Balázs Bence  
Kiss Tamás Kormos Márton
László András Lencsés Máté
Német Nikolett Németh Róbert
Regős Enikő Réti Eszter
Sándor Márk Solymos Adrián
Szalay Szilárd Szegedi Péter
Szívós Mihály Takács Gábor
Ván Péter Vecsernyés Péter
Vukics András Zimborás Zoltán

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Egri Győző (stones)
Hofer-Szabó Gábor (stones)